Telescope Rental Program
Saskatoon Centre has made its telescopes available for rent to RASC members on a monthly basis. We have three Sky-Watcher 8 inch Dobsonian telescopes, each with a kit of eyepieces and Antares 8x50 right angle finder scopes. Also we have one Telrad Reflex Sight.
Rental Information
Sleaford Roll-Off Observatory
Progress and preparation for Skynet, December 21, 2019. Daryl Janzen writes: Here are a couple of videos [outside, inside] I just took from home of the Sleaford rolloff opening and closing. The PROMPT telescope pier will be where the black stool is sitting between the closest and next closest telescopes to the cameras.
Scott and I were out at Sleaford a couple of days this week getting all the control wiring done, and Kim and I went out again today to sort out some computer issues. I captured the videos on my phone just now through the Reolink app while running MaxDome through TeamViewer on my laptop.
I have a few odds and ends to finish setting up on the computer, and we're waiting for the telescope mount to arrive in ~February to finish off the pier and install the telescope, but this marks a significant milestone towards setting up the Skynet robotic telescope at Sleaford, and participating in multi-messenger astronomy at the U of S!