Links to RASC and Other Astronomy Pages

Links To Other RASC Centre Web Pages

  1. National
  2. St. John's Centre
  3. Charlottetown Centre
  4. Halifax Centre
  5. New Brunswick Centre
  6. Québec Centre
  7. Montréal (English) Centre
  8. Montréal La société d'astronomie de Montréal Centre
  9. Ottawa Centre
  10. Kingston Centre
  11. Belleville Centre
  12. Toronto Centre
  13. Mississauga Centre
  14. Niagara Centre
  15. Hamilton Centre
  16. Kitchener-Waterloo Centre
  17. London Centre
  18. Sarnia Centre
  19. Windsor Centre
  20. Thunder Bay Centre
  21. Winnipeg Centre
  22. Regina Centre
  23. Saskatoon Centre
  24. Calgary Centre
  25. Edmonton Centre
  26. Prince George Centre
  27. Okanagan Centre
  28. Vancouver Centre
  29. Victoria Centre

Web Pages Of RASC Members

  1. Ron Waldron Living Skies Stargazing
  2. Tenho Tuomi Tuomi Observatory
  3. Tim Yaworski RASC Astroimaging Wide Field certificate
  4. Rick Huziak's Great Canadian Observing Challenge.
  5. Rick Huziak's Geosynchronous Satellite Page
  6. Great astrophotos by our members Saskatoon Centre RASC Astrophoto Page
  7. remembering-gordon-patterson-from-pow-to-the-university-of-saskatchewan
  1. RASC Astroimaging Certificate images
  2. Canada's astrophotographers.
  3. Paul Markov Toronto.

NASA Web Sites
  1. The GALILEO probe (JPL)
  2. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  3. National Space Science Data Center
  4. The STSci Digitized Sky Survey
  5. Space Flight Operations for NASA
  1. The Astronomer magazine.
  2. Sky and Telescope

A Clear Sky Clock! Check it out; very cool. Thanks to Attilla Danko for this.

Miscellaneous Web Sites

  1. Starlink visibility
  2. Indiana University Astronomy Department (They have an Automatic Photometric Telescope going there.)
  3. Jason Ware's home page (Astrophotographs).
  4. SETI Institute
  5. Universe Today: Updated daily with space exploration and astronomy news.
  6. SkyWatch - Your Astronomical Alarm Clock

Questions about astronomy, the Saskatoon Centre or membership?


PO Box 31086, RPO Broadway
Saskatoon, SK  S7H 5S8