Telescope Rental Program
Saskatoon Centre has made its telescopes available for rent to RASC members on a monthly basis. We have three Sky-Watcher 8 inch Dobsonian telescopes, each with a kit of eyepieces and Antares 8x50 right angle finder scopes. Also we have one Telrad Reflex Sight.
- The renter must be a member in good standing of the RASC.
- You are responsible to return the scope and eyepieces not damaged, review condition on pickup.
- Do not touch or clean the eyepieces or mirrors, keep them dry and covered.
- $20 per calendar month.
- If you are a student, don't hesitate to call and review cost, credit.
- Make your payment when you return the telescope.
- Make cheques payable to "Saskatoon Centre RASC".
- If you pay cash, be sure to get a receipt for your payment from the curator.
- Email the RASC Saskatoon Centre sk_centre@rasc.ca with the following information:
- Your name and email address.
- Which telescope you wish to borrow.
- When you want to pick up the telescope.
- How long you anticipate borrowing the telescope.
- The Centre will contact you and, should the telescope be available, set up a time and date for pick-up at the Observatory on the University of Saskatchewan campus.
- You may keep the telescope for a minimum of one month.
- Should some other member request the telescope while you have it on loan, you will be asked to return the telescope at the end of your month. If no one requests the telescope, your loan agreement can be extended for a second month to an absolute maximum of one year (12 months) at which time the telescope must be returned for inventory and condition check.
Have fun with the telescope and thanks for supporting our Centre!
Questions about astronomy, the Saskatoon Centre or membership?
E-mail: sk_centre@rasc.ca
Snail-mail: RASC Inc.
PO Box 31086, RPO Broadway
Saskatoon, SK S7H 5S8