Public & Media Events

November 4, 2021 during an Aurora storm by Ron Waldron. Canon SLR camera ISO 800, 10 sec exp.

All events are free of charge and open to the general public unless otherwise noted
Public events are in green text.
Centre member-only events are shown black text.
Selected astronomical events of interest are in purple text. Organized club or public events are not necessarily planned for these events.


Download the ZOOM app onto your computer or device (if you haven't already.)

An email will be sent to you with the meeting link information for your computer or phone. Check the newsletter monthy for last minute changes in the link or event scheduling. Email if you did not receive an email and wish to join the meeting.



January 20 - RASC General Meeting - Hybrid: In-person U of S Observatory & On-line

7:00 pm - Executive Meeting
8:00 pm - Sharing / Networking
8:15 pm - Main Program
What's Up This Month? - Colin Chatfield.
An Introduction to Astrophotography - Nick Larsen will provide an overview of equipment and techniques he uses to create images of deep space objects.

January 25 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory


February 10 - RASC General Meeting - Hybrid: In-person U of S Observatory & On-line

7:00 pm - Executive Meeting
8:00 pm - Sharing / Networking
8:15 pm - Main Program
What's Up This Month? - Colin Chatfield.
Solar Max and Aurora - Ron Waldron, longtime member of the Saskatoon Centre will present a 40-minute talk on the present Solar Maximum and related aurora expectations.

February 22 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory


March 17 - RASC General Meeting - Hybrid: In-person U of S Observatory & On-line

7:00 pm - Executive Meeting
8:00 pm - Sharing / Networking
8:15 pm - Main Program
What's Up This Month? - Colin Chatfield.
Before the Big Bang - Yannis Pahatouroglou.

March 29 - Messier Marathon at the Sleaford Observatory


April 14 - RASC General Meeting

April 26 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory


May 12 - RASC General Meeting

May 24 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory


June 16 - RASC General Meeting

June 21 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory
Shortest night of the year, a good day to cut the grass and watch the sun set for 3 hours


July 26 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory
Also a good grass cutting day. Historically, this has been the month with the most mosquitoes after sunset


August 20 - 24 - Saskatchewan Summer Star Party 2044 - 28th Annual SSSP at Cypress Hills Provincial Park.


September 20 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory

September 15 - RASC General Meeting


October 20 - RASC General Meeting

October 18 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory


November 17 - RASC General Meeting

November 22 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory


December 13 - Observer's/Imaging Group Night at the Sleaford Observatory
Geminid Meteor Shower



August 17 - 22 or August 22 - 28 - Saskatchewan Summer Star Party 2044 - 47th Annual SSSP at Cypress Hills Provincial Park. Program TBD. Stay tuned!

August 22 - Total Eclipse of the Sun - Visible from the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party. SSSP'44 is on the Centre Line.

For More Information on Events & the RASC:

See our Newsletter or email us.

For information specifically on Saskatchewan Summer Star Party (SSSP), email us.

Or see Starparty homepage.

Click here to join the Saskatoon Centre.

Something wrong on this page? Email the Web Content Editor.

Sleaford Observatory

One of the benefits of membership with our Centre is access to our remote viewing site at Sleaford. For members who would like more information on Sleaford, please contact Darrell Chatfield and request a current copy of The Sleaford Observatory Users Manual.

Observing/Imaging Group

The RASC Saskatoon Centre has an active Observing/Imaging Group. Contact the Observing/Imaging Group Coordinator for details of the group's activities.

Observing Aids

  • Chatfield Binocular Challenge List
    You can earn you binocular certificate by observing 35 of the 40 objects on this list, created by Darrell Chatfield. Once you have started, register with the newsletter editor, Colin Chatfield, to get your name added to the challenge list in the Saskatoon Skies newsletter.
  • The Chatfield Binocular Challenge List - Expanded Version
    This is a description of the Chatfield Binocular List fields that goes beyond just the basic objects. Since you've taken time to find the Chatfield Objects, you might as well hang around a bit and explore whatelse is visible within the binocular field of view. The expanded list was produced by Rick Huziak during his run at the challenge.

National RASC Activities

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada has many activities nationwide.

RASC Membership Activities

RASC member contributions to astronomy:
  1. SASKATCHEWAN AMATEUR ASTRONOMER DISCOVERS COMET! Comet Petriew! Congratulations to Regina astronomer Vance Petriew who discovered the comet at the 2001 Saskatchewan Summer Star Party!

  2. CHANT MEDAL. In 2001, Rick Huziak received the prestigious Chant Medal. Congratulations Rick! We are very proud of your accomplishments in amateur astronomy and are very lucky to have you around. Rick is also the recipient of the AAVSO Director's Award, presented to him at the 92nd AAVSO Tuscon Conference.

Questions about astronomy, the Saskatoon Centre or membership?


Snail-mail: RASC Inc.
PO Box 31086, RPO Broadway
Saskatoon, SK  S7H 5S8